Nichole Brown

Certified pH Miracle Coach
Alkaline Lifestyle & Health Coach
608 359 8820

I am Certified pH Miracle Coach and was trained under Dr. Robert O. Young Ph.D. of the pH Miracle Center, He has authored several books, the most popular being “The pH Miracle”.

As a Microbiologist and Microscopist, Dr. Young has spent the last 30 years studying live blood and furthering the research of other pleomorphic scientists like Antoine Bechamp.

What he has found in his research validates his position on disease and how we get ailed in the first place and he believes that the body’s pH is the first line of defense. Dr. Young’s New Biology most simply stated, is that the over-acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease.

In contrast, the old biology, based on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 1800’s, stems from the idea that disease comes from germs, which invade the body from the outside. Dr. Young has found that when the body is in a healthy alkaline balance, germs are unable to get a foothold.

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